Found 32 Results

Transparency International

Transparency International is a global movement dedicated to fighting corruption. They have chapters in more than 100 countries that can provide support and expertise in the fight against corruption.


Partnership for Transparency

The Partnership for Transparency provides grants and technical assistance to individuals and groups working on good governance and anti-corruption projects.



By developing and equipping a global network of investigative journalists and publishing their stories, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project exposes crime and corruption so the public can hold power to account.



The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists is an organisation that investigates and reports on stories across the world, as well as a network composed of hundreds of investigative reporters in different organisations. They have a secure platform where whistleblowers can submit tips and reports of suspected corruption.


Global Witness

Global Witness undertakes campaigns and investigations into corruption across a wide range of sectors. Their investigative reports can provide valuable evidence into corruption in different countries.


Global Integrity

Global Integrity creates alliances with partners across the world: civil society organizations, governments, multi-stakeholder initiatives, donors, and others, helping them to design and implement innovative, learning-centered, and adaptive approaches to addressing complex governance-related development challenges.


Article 19

Article 19 is an international organisation recognised for its advocacy of media freedom and for protecting against media restrictions, which includes protection of journalists in danger for reporting corruption.


The Public Prosecutor in Brazil

In Brazil, the public prosecutor takes legal action to establish civil and administrative liability of persons suspected of being involved in corruption. The prosecution can take action on behalf of individuals, groups or in the general public interest.


The Special Investigations Unit (South Africa)

In South Africa, the “Special Investigations Unit” is empowered to bring civil, administrative and criminal cases against public officials and government bodies suspected of corruption. People can report corrupt activities to the SIU for them to investigate. These reports can then lead to the SIU taking a civil action against the wrongdoer. It can take […]


Kenya Revenue Authority

The Kenyan Revenue Authority can receive complaints either in person, in writing or by telephone to start investigations into tax fraud in Kenya. The authority also provides a reward scheme for successful complaints, providing people with an incentive to make genuine complaints. Tax fraud is related to corruption because higher tax rates can induce more […]
