

1) Community Activists and Leaders

You are not a lawyer but you know the problems facing your local community. Legal action can be a very powerful way seek justice for your community.

The A4J platform gives you tips about how to take legal action for social justice and find support.

2) Civil Society Organisations

You are a local or national organisation that works with disadvantaged communities and campaigns for justice. You may not currently use legal action as part of your advocacy toolkit BUT we believe it could be a powerful way of advancing your cause and supporting the communities you work with.

The A4J platform gives you the information about how to take legal action for social justice.

3) Legal Professionals

You work as a lawyer, legal adviser or paralegal in your local community but you may not have used legal action for social justice. You could use your skills to help community activists and civil society organisations make a positive change in your society.

The A4J platform gives lawyers and paralegals information about human rights and environmental justice and is designed to help them effectively use legal action for social justice.